OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 is the world's most authoritative and widely used testing and certification system for harmful substances in textiles. The standards are binding on a global scale and are updated annually based on the latest findings, including European chemical regulations REACh and Europe. The Chemicals Regulatory Authority (ECHA) List of Substances of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC), the US Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).
The eco-friendly products customized by Seiko Confidence Textile (Guangzhou) Ltd. are approved by the EU's highest level OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100 Class I infant grade certificate to provide the final consumer with a reliable third-party independent product label, indicating that the product is based on STANDARD 100. The Class I standard detects harmless products that effectively protect consumers, while companies in the textile chain provide support, enabling manufacturers to transparently demonstrate their responsible product safety in human ecology for customers across the entire textile chain. Whether it is a brand, a retailer or a consumer.
Maintaining stable and constant quality has become one of the key concerns for many global manufacturers.SEIKO CORD is managed by computerized method from proofing to production, as well as QC team quality inspection.We have been reinforcing our quality management system,and in some cases, have developed specific products to meet certain laws and regulations.